
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Odds 'n Ends

Good morning, friends. I have a busy, busy week ahead. Tomorrow will be an exciting but scary day for me. I hate asking fellow authors to critique my writing. First of all, it scares me to hear their reaction (I think that's a writer's natural response), but seriously, I hate to impose. They have enough to do without me asking a favor.

I did ask a few to read and critique my first ever cozy mystery, "Dead Air," and so far the feedback has been positive. They've provided invaluable insight that I have incorporated into the manuscript. Tomorrow, I'm meeting with two of my favorite authors and friends, Joe Formichella and Suzanne Hudson, to discuss the book and where it falls short. Joe and Suzanne are award winning authors who have really offered some great advice over the years in my publishing journey. This is one meeting I'm looking forward to.

I guess my latest Prometheus Book, "Everyone's Gone to the Moon: July 1969, Life on Earth, and the Epic Voyage of Apollo 11" is getting recognition. Three times this week I've had people stop me and say, "You're the moon book fellow, aren't you?" :) That's easier than trying to pronounce my last name. I'll take it.

And finally, six months out from the release of my new book, "The Pig War and Pelican Girls:Extraordinary Stories from American History," and it's time to get serious about promotion. I used to love doing PR work for my books, but with all of the social media that has to be dealt with, it's rather daunting. Or is it my age telling me that? "I remember when I was a young whipper snapper, we'd hang up posters on telephone poles to get the word out." LOL! Ok, I'm not THAT old, but still... So, it will be a fun day of putting together contact lists, book signing options, etc. Oh, and my favorite - I'm starting production on the 10 part companion podcast. Now THAT is fun.

Anyway, that's what's new here. More to come.

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