
Friday, June 14, 2024

Time for a Podcast


Ok, time to get back to work with the writing. A bunch of proposals are floating around on acquisition desks, waiting on edits for the new book, The Pig War and Pelican Girls, so now is a good time to get the PR work started for that book. Much like Space Oddities and Everyone’s Gone to the Moon, Pig War is a collection of little known and forgotten tales but this time, from American history. Forty two stories in all. 

The image below (courtesy of the National Archives) is from one of the stories. Turns out that in 1940, a 12 year old Fidel Castro had his first communication with a U.S. president - F.D.R. He asked the president to send him $10. You can't make this stuff up. 

The book will be out in the spring of 2025 but I need to start working on the companion podcast that will have – as of right now – 10 episodes with additional forgotten and obscure tales from America’s past. The podcast is scheduled to debut around Christmas time this year. This one could be a heavy lift producing it. Time to don the headphones and hope the old radio voice holds out.

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