
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

And We're Back


Good morning, everyone! Well, I have finally settled into the new home and I can tell you, it has been great to get back to a familiar routine – up at 4am, grab a cup of hot mango green tea and an onion bagel, then head off into the comfy confines of my writing room to get lost typing away at the keyboard getting lost down the rabbit hole of a story. Who knows where it will lead today?

While I really love researching and writing my outdoor recreation guides for Falcon, there is a calming peace getting lost in a fictional world of my own making or heading down the back alleys of history to uncover some little known or forgotten tale. For me, it’s almost like serenely floating down a black water river, not knowing what lies ahead around the next bend at that sandbar up ahead.

And that’s where I am this morning. Luxuriating in a make believe world set in the early 1940s as a mystery unfolds at a radio station in a bustling Southern city (could the characters be patterned after the many quirky personalities I met in my early days in radio?) Now, if I can only stay on course. I have a mind that tends to wander, but isn’t that what writing is all about and what writers do?

It was a nice break from writing during the move the last two months but I can tell you, I missed it and there are a lot of articles, book proposals, and manuscripts waiting to be unleashed. I can’t wait to get all of this to paper, or Word document, anyway.

Stay tuned!

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