
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Please Stand By for an Important Announcement

What a week and a half it's been. I've been off work from my day job due to sinus surgery (still have a nose, so that's a plus), and I'm FINALLY feeling better (thank you very much). But over the last two days, a lot has been happening with my latest hiking guide, "Best Dog Hikes Alabama".

The first big news is that the book will hit the publisher's warehouse (not to be confused with Publisher's Clearing House) within the next two weeks and will be on bookstore shelves soon there after.

Can I have a big-old "Yay!", please?

The second piece of news is HUGE!!! --- But I can't tell you the details, not yet. We're ironing those out as we speak, but I can tell you that it will be a BIG book launch that will benefit local pet rescues at the same time.

I can't tell you how excited I am to be using this book to give back and help these pets find homes and provide some funding for these organizations.

SO, stay tuned. We're only days away from officially announcing dates, times, and locations.

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